Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Taman Nasional Terindah di Indonesia

Hai sobat sobit semua, berikut saya akan memberikan informasi tentang 10 Taman Nasional Terindah di Indonesia, yang tentunya ini akan menambah pengetahuan sobat sobit semua tentang Indahnya Alam Indonesia

1. Taman Nasional Pulau Komodo

Taman Nasional Komodo (TN. Komodo) merupakan kawasan yang terdiri dari beberapa pulau dengan

Pangkep, Wisata Gua Paling Komplit di Indonesia

Pangkep - Kalau ada destinasi wisata gua paling komplit di Indonesia, mungkin Kabupaten Pangkep di Sulawesi Selatan adalah jawabannya. Kawasan karst membentang 43.750 hektar dengan 268 gua di dalamnya. Bukan main!

Taman Purbakala Gua Leang-leang Jejak-jejak Tangan Purbakala

Di kabupaten Maros, Sulawesi Selatan ada sejumlah lokasi wisata yang menarik. Taman Prasejarah Leang-Leang adalah objek wisata purbakala yang berada tidak jauh dari Taman Wisata Alam Bantimurung.

Leang dalam bahasa Makassar berarti gua, dengan pengulangan kata berarti gua-gua atau kawasan gua. Sebab di daerah ini terdapat banyak gua peninggalan arkeologis yang sangat unik dan menarik.
Gua leang leang menggambarkan  kehidupan manusia masa lampau, deretan gua-gua yang ada di hamparan pegunungan batu itu sangat menarik perhatian terutama para ilmuwan.
Di sekitar pegunungan karst yang terhampar dari kabupaten Maros hingga ke Manado, dan konon adalah yang terpanjang di dunia ini, memang ada banyak sekali ditemukan gua-gua.
Lokasi Goa leang leang dapat ditempuh dari Bandara Sultan Hasanuddin dengan  menggunakan angkutan umum. Meski wilayahnya sudah tidak termasuk dalam Desa Wisata Samangki, namun dapat disebut sebagai objek wisata daerah sekitar Samangki karena letaknya hanya berjarak sekitar 7.5 kilometer dari Samangki.

Leang-leang terletak di Kelurahan Kalabirang, Kecamatan Bantimurung, Kabupaten Maros. Kurang lebih ada sekitar 60 buah gua yang tersebar di kabupaten Maros saja, dan banyak yang belum diselidiki isinya karena lokasinya terletak di bukit terjal dan tegak lurus.
Pada tahun 1950, Van Heekeren dan Miss Heeren Palm menemukan gambar gua prasejarah (rock painting) yang berwarna merah di Gua Pettae dan Petta Kere. Van Heekeren  menemukan gambar babi rusa yang sedang meloncat yang di bagian dadanya  tertancap mata anak panah, sedangkan Miss Heeren Palm menemukan gambar telapak tangan wanita dengan cat warna merah.
Menurut para ahli arkeologi, gambar atau  lukisan prasejarah tersebut sudah berumur sekitar 5000 tahun silam. Dari hasil  penemuan itu, mereka menduga bahwa gua tersebut telah dihuni sekitar tahun  8000-3000 sebelum Masehi.
Di kawasan Gua Leang Leang , ditemukan dua gua yaitu gua PettaE dan gua Petta Kere. Dua gua itu letaknya tidak berjauhan. Gua pertama tampak sewaktu memasuki kawasan disekitarnya terdapat rumah penduduk sebagai tempat beristirahat.

Gua PettaE , pintu gua dipagari besi setinggi 1500 cm. Dari pintu itu, gambar tangan sudah terlihat karena gua itu memang tidak terlalu dalam. ada lima gambar telapak tangan, tapi hanya  tiga yang utuh. Selain telapak tangan, ada pula babi rusa dan sebuah mata tombak yang semuanya berwarna merah.
Pada gua Petta Kere dapat ditempuh dengan berjalan kaki, kurang lebih 300 meter  dari Gua PettaE. Ada dua jalur yang dapat ditempuh. Jalur pertama menggunakan jalan yang sudah baik, jalur kedua melewati anak tangga di antara batu-batuan menyempit. dengan ketinggian  sekitar 20 meter dari permukaan tanah. disiapkan tangga besi berbelok.
Goa ini menyimpan gambar yang lebih banyak . Ada sekitar 27 gambar telapak tangan, tapi yang terlihat utuh hanya sekitar 17 gambar. Sebuah gambar babi rusa gemuk terkapar dengan sebilah tombak menghunus ke jantung.
Selain gambar-gambar pada dinding gua, di sekitar gua itu juga ditemukan sampah dapur berupa kulit kerang dan keong yang berserakan.
Leang Leang sendiri konon ditemukan oleh dua arkeolog asal negeri kincir angin, Mister Van Heekeren dan Miss Heeren Palm. Pada tahun 1950 mereka menemukan lukisan pada goa Petta Kere dan Pettae.

Untuk melestarikan dan memperkenalkan  gua-gua yang merupakan sumber informasi prasejarah tersebut, maka sejak tahun 1980-an pemerintah setempat mengembangkannya menjadi tempat wisata sejarah  dengan nama Taman Wisata Prasejarah Leang-Leang.
Tentang gambar tangan, ada tradisi purba masyarakat setempat yang menyebutkan, gambar tangan dengan jari lengkap bermakna sebagai penolak bala, sementara tangan dengan empat jari saja berarti ungkapan berdukacita. Gambar itu dibuat dengan cara menempelkan tangan ke dinding gua, lalu disemprotkan dengan cairan berwarna merah.
Zat pewarna ini mungkin  dari mineral merah (hematite) yang banyak terdapat di sekitar gua (di batu-batuan dan di dasar sungai di sekitar gua), ada pula yang mengatakan dengan batu-batuan dari getah pohon yang dikunyah seperti sirih.
Dibandingkan dengan tempat-tempat wisata alam yang ada di Pulau Jawa, Leang-leang termasuk yang paling bebas dari tangan-tanan jahil.  Tidak ditemukan adanya coretan-coretan di dinding goa maupun di batu-batu yang ada.  Hanya saja sebagian besar lukisan telapak tangan memang sudah agak pudar, yang menurut pemandu kami, disebabkan banyaknya orang yang menempelkan tangannya di lukisan tersebut.
- See more at: http://www.btravindonesia.com/jejak-jejak-tangan-purbakala-di-taman-purbakala-gua-leang-leang.html#sthash.HZFitADw.dpuf
Di kabupaten Maros, Sulawesi Selatan ada sejumlah lokasi wisata yang menarik. Dalam perjalanan kali ini, bersama teman-teman, saya hanya sempat mengunjungi dua lokasi saja yaitu: Leang-Leang dan Taman Wisata Alam Air Terjun Bantimurung.  Dan karena Bantimurung sepertinya sudah lebih sering dibahas, lebih baik kita fokus untuk membicarakan tentang Leang-Leang dengan daya tariknya yang unik.
Dalam Bahasa Makassar, Leang-leang berarti liang atau goa, yang dalam hal ini adalah bagian dari  Taman Prasejarah yang layak dikunjungi. Di sekitar pegunungan karst yang terhampar dari kabupaten Maros hingga ke Manado, dan konon adalah yang terpanjang di dunia ini, memang ada banyak sekali ditemukan gua-gua.  Kurang lebih ada sekitar 60 buah gua yang tersebar di kabupaten Maros saja, dan banyak yang belum diselidiki isinya karena lokasinya terletak di bukit terjal dan tegak lurus. Leang Leang sendiri konon ditemukan oleh dua arkeolog asal negeri kincir angin, Mister Van Heekeren dan Miss Heeren Palm. Pada tahun 1950 mereka menemukan lukisan pada goa Petta Kere dan Pettae.
Berada di komplek Taman Prasejarah itu, kami menyusuri jalanan yang terbuat dari semen, sambil tak henti

Dua Pulau Surgawi di Sulsel

 Pulau Saugi yang cantik
Kabupaten Pangkajene dan Kepulauan (Pangkep), Sulsel punya wisata komplit dari gunung karst dengan gua menawan, laut, dan 117 pulau cantik. Pulau Cambang-cambang dan Pulau Saugi, adalah yang wajib dikunjungi.

Tempat wisata di Kabupaten Pangkep

tempat wisata di Kabupaten Pangkep, Sulawesi Selatan. Penjelasan ini dibagi menjadi 2, yaitu: Wisata Bahari, dan Wisata Purbakala.
A. Wisata Bahari
a. Taman Laut Kapoposang  
    Wisata bahari di Pulau Kapoposang kecamatan Liukang Tupabiring telah dikelola oleh pihak swasta bekerjasama dengan Pemkab Pangkep. Disamping pantai pasir putih serta laut yang tenang, juga akan disuguhi taman laut berupa terumbu karang berbagai jenis yang dilengkapi dengan ikan hias beraneka warna.  Selain menyuguhkan alam pantai yang natural, juga dilengkapi dengan berbagai perlengkapan untuk menyelam (diving) dan snorkling.

b. Taman rekreasi dan permandian alam Mattampa
    Untuk permandian alam Mattampa yang berada dalam kawasan wisata Mattampa, kini tengah ditata. Sebagai kawasan wisata, dilengkapi dengan dua kolam renang yang berskala nasional, taman permainan, gua bersejarah hingga museum karts yang memiliki koleksi buku-buku karts.

c. Taman Purbakala Sumpang Bita
    Bertempat di Kecamatan Balocci. Di kawasan ini, yang menjadi obyek utama adalah tangga seribu yang dipuncaknya memiliki gua peninggalan bersejarah berupa tapak tangan dan kaki para nenek moyang.
        Dalam areal obyek wisata ini, merupakan perpaduan antara wisata agro yang memiliki tanaman berbaga macam serta taman yang indah.

Objek Wisata Kabupaten Maros

Rumah Adat Kab. Maros 
Rumah Adat Maros
Air Terjun Bantimurung
Kawasan ini terletak di lembah bukit kapur / karas yang curam dengan vegetasi tropis yang subur, sehingga selain memiliki air terjun yang spektakuler juga menjadi habitat yang ideal bagi berbagai spesies kupu-kupu, burung dan serangga endemik yang langka. Air Terjun ini memiliki lebar 20 meter dan tinggi 15 meter. Di bawah curahan air terjun terdapat sebuah tempat pemandian dari landasan batu kapur yang keras dan tertutup lapisan mineral akibat aliran air selama ratusan tahun. Di sebelah kiri air terjun terdapat tangga beton setinggi 10 meter yang merupakan jalan menuju dua gua yang ada di sekitar air terjun, yaitu Gua Mimpi dan Gua Batu. Tempat ini berada di Kecamatan Bantimurung, Kabupaten Maros, Sulawesi Selatan.

Taman Prasejarah Leang-Leang
Terletak pada deretan bukit kapur yang curam. Para arkeolog berpendapat bahwa beberapa gua yang terdapat di area ini pernah dihuni oleh manusia purba sekitar 3000 – 8000 tahun sebelum masehi, ditandai dengan terdapatnya lukisan-lukisan pra sejarah yang terdapat di dinding gua berupa gambar babi rusa, dan gambar telapak tangan. Selain itu juga ditemukan benda laut berupa karang yang menandakan bahwa gua tersebut pernah tenggelam dan dikelilingi oleh lautan. Taman Prasejarah Leang-Leang terletak sekitar 11 km dari di Kabupaten Maros.

Danau Tempe, Danau dengan keindahan terbaikb dan Ikan yang Paling Banyak di Dunia

 Danau Tempe
Danau Tempe di Wajo, Sulawesi Selatan, layak untuk dikunjungi para traveler. Informasi Pariwisata Nusantara yang dirilis Kemenparekraf menyebutkan inilah danau penghasil ikan air tawar terbesar di dunia.

Danau Tempe merupakan danau penghasil ikan air tawar terbesar di dunia. Uniknya, di danau ini terdapat

Pantai Tak Berombak Maros, Ikon Baru Dari Sebuah Inovasi

 Berbicara pantai, bayangan kita tentu adalah sebuah hamparan alam dengan suasana indah, nyaman, hempasan ombak, dan berbagai hal yang tak bisa terbahasakan. Entah, atas dasar apa sehingga lokasi ini populer dengan kata pantai. Padahal segala hal yang berhubungan dengan bayangan kita tentang pantai tidak ditemui ditempat ini, lokasinya hanya sebuah kolam dengan luas lapangan sepak bola dengan air yang tenang dan dikelilingi bangunan ruko di beberapa sisi.
Beberapa tahun lalu, kolam ini bahkan nyaris tidak memiliki nilai apa-apa kecuali sebagai tempat menyalurkan hobby bagi sebagian orang  untuk memancing. Namun saat ini,  kondisinya begitu terbalik sejak

wisata Pantai Tanjung Bayam Makassar

Tanjung Bayam (foto: melayuonline.com) Tanjung Bayam (foto: melayuonline.com) Sehari menjelang bulan puasa sejumlah tempat wisata dipadati pengunjung, salah satunya adalah tempat permandian Pantai Tanjung Bayam, Makassar.

Sekira dua ribu pengunjung memadati tempat permandian Pantai Tanjung Bayam, Makassar, siang ini, Minggu (31/7/2011).

Nature Bantimurung , holiday paradise


Waterfall Bantimurung

Everyone would crave a holiday whose name is not it? A good time to break for a moment from the bustle . As well as from the urban bustle that is almost suffocating pollution causes increased intensity . Tourist attractions of nature is the main attraction for the people of the city who had almost forgotten what it was like a breath of fresh air and far from pollution .

Well , have occurred desire to enjoy the holidays with family or friends surrounded by butterflies that you can easily see floating in the wild as well as a breath of fresh air , a panoramic view of the falls , to swim in water that is sourced from mountain springs ? All that you can feel if you been to Yosemite National Bantimurung Bulusaraung or better known as Nature Bantimurung which is a suitable place for a picnic traveled to unwind with family or friends . Not only that , Bantimurung nature also offers a variety of natural beauty such as karst , caves with stalactites stalaknit and beautiful .

Wisata Alam Bantimurung, Surganya Liburan

Air terjun Bantimurung
Semua orang tentu mendambakan yang namanya liburan bukan? Saat yang tepat untuk rehat sejenak dari kesibukan. Serta dari hiruk pikuk perkotaan yang hampir mencekik sebab intensitas polusi yang meningkat. Tempat-tempat wisata alam pun menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagi masyarakat kota yang hampir lupa bagaimana rasanya menghirup udara segar dan jauh dari kata polusi.
Nah, pernahkah terbersit keinginan untuk menikmati liburan bersama keluarga ataupun teman dikelilingi

Admission prices Tourist Places in Bali

Harga Tiket Masuk Tempat Wisata di Bali
The price of admission sights Karangasem regencyNo. Objects Ticket1 Besakih Rp 5,000 / person2 Bukit Jambul Free3 Taman Ujung Rp 5,000 / person4 Candi Dasa Rp 5,000 / person5 Tirta Ganga Rp 5,000 / person6 Tulamben USD 5000 / Cars7 Amed USD 5000 / Cars8 Tenganan Rp 10000 / Cars9 padang bai Labuan Amok and USD 5000 / Cars1o Pura Lempuyang FreeTravel Specials Bottom Water ( DIVING IN Tulamben ) Rp 375,000 / USD 500,000 local / foreignThe price of admission places 

Attractions in South Sulawesi

South Sulawesi is a province in eastern Indonesia , the capital of Makassar, which became No. Largest City . 4 in Indonesia . South Sulawesi has many attractions , only a limited number are already known to to other countries . Hobbies, Culture , Natural Beauty province became one of the supporters of choice where your holiday with family .
Makassar Losari
Throughout Indonesia , there is only one beach to watch the sunrise and sunset in the same stand point . " The beach was the beach Losari , Makassar " . Apart from that , Losari beach is one of the best beaches and chic rehearsal I've ever seen , and this was another great beach right in the heart of the big city . The most ideal time to visit is in the afternoon Losari beach between the hours of 15:00 to 21:00 hours . Many who come here to sit and sit to enjoy clean beaches , jogging along the pedestrian as far as 500m , or eating at the stalls stalls that had been relocated by the local government ( the most southern tip of the beach ) . Young and old will come here to enjoy the sunset while buying food from vendors . If you like jogging , it is also very ideal place . Clean air and the wind blew relentlessly , golden red sun sweeping human face sitting shoreline .
" Losari Makassar South Sulawesi "
Attractions: Beach Pier Losari Makassar - South SulawesiNational Parks Bantimurung
Attractions: National Park Bantimurung Bulusaraung South Sulawesi is located in the City of Maros , traveling by land about 1 hour . Attraction is very famous in South Sulawesi , and become a favorite Tourism in the province . In the years 1856-1857 a leading British naturalist , Alfred Russel Wallace spent his life settled some very pleasant in the region , capture the many types of butterflies , birds , and insects are scarce. Among the butterflies are caught is kind Papillo Androcles one butterfly species are the largest and very rare tail like a swallow . Detailed explanation of this region attracted the attention of archaeologists . The amount of the attention of researchers from around the world make Bantimurung favorite places to conduct research and family recreation .
" attraction in South Sulawesi "
Attractions: National Park Bantimurung Bulusaraung South Sulawesi
" attractions in Makassar "
Attraction Waterfall Bantimurung Maros - South Sulawesi
" attractions in Makassar "
Attractions: Gateway Bantimurung South Sulawesi
" tourist attractions in Makassar "
Captive Butterfly - Butterfly in Bantimurung Maros - South SulawesiSamalona Island
Samalona Island is an area of Makassar which covers approximately 2.34 hectares . This island is one marine attraction visited by many local and foreign tourists . The island area is very nice weeks to dive , because the surrounding sea corals are inhabited by a wide range of tropical fish and other marine life . The island is about 6.8 km from the city of Makassar, which can be taken about 20-30 minutes by speed boot . At this location there are also some simple lodging house shaped stage which can accommodate about 20 people . In addition, there are also some food stalls that provide a variety of fresh seafood .
" tourist attractions in Makassar "
Samalona Island Attractions: South SulawesiSomba Opu
Somba Opu was built in 1525 by the Sultan of Gowa IX . The fort was the center of trade and spices ports visited by traders from Asia and Europe . In 1669 , the fort was occupied by the VOC and then crushed until submerged by tidal waves . In the 1980s , the fort was rediscovered by a number of scientists are . And in 1990 , the castle was reconstructed so that it looks better . Now , Somba Opu be a historic attractions in Makassar in which there are several custom home building representing South Sulawesi Bugis , Makassar , Mandar , and Toraja . In addition , there is also a cannon with a length of 9 m and a weight of 9,500 kg and a museum containing relics of historic objects Sultanate of Gowa .
" attraction in Indonesia "
History Attraction Somba Opu South SulawesiFortress / Fort Rotterdam
Fort Rotterdam was originally built in 1545 by King of Gowa X with the name of Fort Ujung Pandang . In it there is a typical stage of Gowa house where King and his family lived . At the time of the Dutch master are Banda and the Moluccas , they decided to manaklukkan Gowa Kingdom that VOCs can enter the merchant fleet and easily docked in Sulawesi . In his attempt to conquer Gowa , Netherlands hire troops from the Moluccas . For a year over the battered fort , the Dutch finally managed to get in and destroy the King and the whole fort . The Dutch forced the Sultan Hasanuddin Bongaya to sign the Treaty in 1667 , where one of the clauses in the agreement requires that the Kingdom of Gowa handed to the Dutch fort .
Once handed over to the Dutch fort , Fort re-built and laid out in accordance with Dutch architecture later renamed Ford Rotterdam . The fort was later used as the center of government and spices shelters in Eastern Indonesia . During the Japanese occupation , the fort functioned as a center for agricultural studies and languages ​​. Then used as a military command center .
Inside the fort there is some space custody / prison slaah only used to hold Prince Diponegoro . In addition , there is also a Dutch heritage church and Meseum La Galigo that stores approximately 4,999 collection . The collection includes prehistoric collection , numismatic , foreign ceramics , history , texts , and ethnography . The Ethnographic Collection consists of various types of outcomes of technology, art , equipment life and other objects made ​​and used by the Bugis , Makassar , Mandar , Toraja da . Currently , in addition to the historic sights , this fort was also used as a cultural center of South Sulawesi .
" attraction in Indonesia "
Historical Attractions: Fort Rotterdam South SulawesiTomb of Prince Diponegoro
Prince Diponegoro was the eldest son of the sultan of Yogyakarta lane III , who was born on November 1, 1785. He actively fought against the invaders on the island of Java in 1825-1830 . The war began with penolakanya against Dutch colonial policy and the pattern of binding tax rules unfair land ownership . In 1845 he was arrested and imprisoned in the castle Rotterdam Makassar , then exiled to Manado , Manado after a while he returned to Makassar and died on January 8, 1855 in Makassar . Tomb of Prince Diponegoro , who alongside his wife , Raden Ayu ( RA ) Ning Ratna quite prominent from the other tombs . Tomb under two meters of the cupola -shaped building was equipped Javanese Joglo style . Located on Jl . Diponegoro No.55 Malay village district. Wajo . Can be reached with various vehicle , close to the shopping center .
" attractions in Makassar "
Tomb of Prince Diponegoro South SulawesiTanah Toraja
Tanah Toraja , a famous tourist attraction with its cultural wealth . District which is located approximately 350 km north of Makassar is very famous with their customary form of house building . This custom home is named Tongkonan . The roof is made of split bamboo and arranged piles , but now many are using zinc . Tongkonan also have appropriate degrees of nobility strata strata of society such as gold , bronze , iron and brass .
" Toraja land attractions "
Attractions: South Sulawesi Toraja traditional house
" tourist attractions in South Sulawesi Toraja land "
Stone graves Londa Toraja South Sulawesi
Londa is the steep rocks on the side of a typical tomb Tana Toraja . One is located at high altitudes of the hill with a cave in which the corpse crates are set according to the family line , on the other one left open hillside overlooking the green expanse of scenery . Located about 5 km to the south of Rantepau .

Rekomendasi tempat wisata di bali untuk yang mau liburan

Bali merupakan salah satu tempat wisata di Indonesia yang menjadi tujuan wisata favorit para wisatawan. Bukan hanya dikunjungi oleh wisatawan lokal indonesia, tapi keindahan pulau ini telah ramai diperbincangkan di dunia sehingga menarik minat para wisatawan asing. Bali pernah menjadi salah satu tempat syuting film Eat, Pray, and Love. Bali memiliki banyak sekali tempat tempat wisata asik yang akan memanjakan anda.  

Rekomendasi tempat wisata di Bali

Salah satu tempat wisata yang ramai dan sebagai rekomendasi untuk liburan anda adalah pantai. Banyak pantai di Bali yang menjadi populer karena keindahannya. Salah satunya adalah pantai kuta yang menjadi favorit wisatawan dan selalu ramai. Tak lengkap rasanya jika ke Bali namun tak meluangkan waktu untuk mengunjungi pantai kuta yang terkenal karena keindahan pemandangan matahari terbenamnya. Selain itu tak sedikit pula yang terkenal dengan pemandangan bawah laut yang cocok untuk spot diving ataupun snorkling. Jika Anda membutuhkan rekomendasi tempat wisata di bali, beberapa tempat berikut semoga bisa menjadi pilihan bagi anda untuk menghabiskan masa liburan anda :
1. Pantai Kuta 
Pantai Kuta terletak di sisi sebelah selatan Pulau Bali. Pantai Kuta berlokasi di kecamatan Kuta, Kabupaten Badung. pantai ini selalu ramai oleh para wisatawan, disiang hari anda bisa melihat banyak wisatawan yang berselancar ataupun berenang ditepian pantai, tak sedikit pula yang sedang bermalas malasan dengan berjemur dan menikmati keindahan pantai. Karena keindahan pemandangan di sore hari kala matahari terbenam, pantai Kuta sering mendapat julukan sebagai pantai matahari terbenam (sunset beach). Mungkin pantai kuta ini menjadi tempat wisata yang paling direkomendasikan untuk dikunjungi saat liburan di Bali.
2. Pantai Legian dan Seminyak
Pantai Legian dan seminyak terletak menyambung dengan pantai Kuta, situasi dikedua pantai ini juga mirip  dengan pantai Kuta namun tak seramai pantai kuta. Jika sobat menginginkan suasana kuta namun dengan kondisi yang lebih tenang, dua pantai ini cocok sebagai rekomendasi tempat wisata untuk dikunjungi. Sembari menikmati sunset anda bisa menghabiskan pemandangan sore hari dengan jalan-jalan di pantai legian dan seminyak.
3. Pantai Dreamland
Pantai Dreamland adalah pantai pasir putih terkenal memiliki ombak yang bagus. Maka dari itu banyak sekali peselancar yang mengunjungi pantai ini hanya untuk menaklukan ombak pantai dreamland.
4. Pantai Tanjung Benoa
Kunjungi Pantai Tanjung Benoa untuk rekomendasi tempat wisata di Bali buat anda yang suka dengan olahraga air. Pantai Tanjung Benoa ini  adalah pantai indah di bali yang terkenal dengan wisata laut atau olahraga air seperti ,snorkeling ,parasailing, windsurfing , banana boat,glass bottom boat, waterskiing,  jet ski dan lainnya. Selain itu anda juga bisa mengunjungi tempat penangkaran penyu. Selain berwisata anda juga bisa mengedukasi keluarga anda. 
5. Pasar Seni Sukawati
Rekomendasi tempat wisata di Bali yang terkahir adalah pasar seni sukawati. Pasar ini menjual berbagai pernik oleh oleh khas Bali. Kerajinan khas Bali menjadi barang utama yang dijual di pasar seni ini. Berbagai barang yang dijual seperti patung, ukiran, lukisan dan barang lain yang bisa anda beli dengan harga yang miring jika anda pintar pintar dalam menawar harga. Jangan lupa kunjungi pasar ini sewaktu pagi, lebih besar kesempatan untuk mendapat harga yang lebih murah.

tempat wisata terbaik di bali yang ramai dikunjungi

5 tempat wisata terbaik di bali yang ramai dikunjungi - Bali adalah salah satu provinsi di Indonesia yang terkenal sebagai tempat wisata favorit. Bukan hanya oleh penduduk indonesia, namun juga oleh para wisatawan manca negara. Bali terkenal memiliki banyak sekali destinasi wisata yang menarik. Bali merupakan salah satu tempat wisata di Indonesia, yang ramai dikunjungi oleh wisatawan manca negara maupun wisatawan lokal khususnya saat memasuki musim liburan seperti saat libur panjang sekolah.

5 tempat wisata terbaik di bali yang ramai dikunjungi

tempat wisata terbaik di bali
tempat wisata terbaik di bali
Apakah Anda pernah liburan ke Bali?. Jika belum atau akan pertama kali berlibur ke Bali ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan sebelum kita berangkat. Yang paling penting adalah membawa uang yang cukup. Karena seperti yang kita tahu bahwa banyak sekali tempat wisata di Bali yang bertaraf internasional. Tentunya harganya juga akan mahal. Selain itu masalah seperti, transportasi kita, akomodasi, makan, serta tempat penginapan juga harus diperhatikan. 
Yang terakhir yaitu adalah tempat wisata itu sendiri. Pilihlah tempat wisata yang cocok untuk Anda kunjungi. Jika Anda mencari referensi tempat wisata terbaik di Bali untuk dikunjungi, mungkin beberapa tempat wisata berikut bisa menjadi referensi Anda :
1. Pantai Kuta
Pantai kuta merupakan salah satu tempat wisata terbaik di Bali yang sering dikunjungi dan menjadi tempat

City Sightseeing Roma

Video Tour Roma
Suspended between history and legend, myth and beauty, Rome still preserves its infinite charm and its unrivalled wonders. From ancient times to the Middle Ages, from Baroque to modern times, every age saw the Eternal City shining in its magic splendour.
Today it is possible to visit the places which made Rome immortal by observing it from another point of view, from a new and original perspective, on board our double-decker buses.
City Sightseeing Rome will allow you to travel through history and visit the places where the ancient Romans lived their social and political life as well as to admire the great Papal Rome, with its fine buildings and beautiful churches, by just sitting comfortable on board our buses. You will be able to visit the many churches, monuments, palaces, squares and streets of Imperial and Christian Rome, of Baroque and Modern Rome. Each bus has a highly technological, multilingual commentary system in eight (8) languages available for every passenger, which will not only keep you entertained, but also well informed about the city.
You can admire the great monuments of ancient Rome like the Imperial Forums, the Coliseum and the Circus Maximus. You will see the most beautiful Christian places like St. Peter's Basilica and Santa Maria Maggiore. One must also visit the squares and streets where the history of Rome was written such as Piazza Venezia, Piazza della Repubblica, Piazza del Popolo and Piazza Barberini. Then you can enjoy a walk among the coffee shops of the Dolce Vita in Via Veneto and later drive along the river Tevere and admire Trastevere, one of the old quarters of the City, with its typical restaurants and bars, where you can taste typical Roman dishes.
Thanks to our City Sightseeing© unmistakable red, open-top, double-decker buses, whose prestigious brand is renowned worldwide, you will discover that Rome has never been easier and more enjoyable to visit. Don’t miss this opportunity, please get on board and let us provide you with a unique experience!


Day 1
According to your schedule of arrival, you will meet our Tour Guide at Hasanuddin Airport Makassar. Then drive to Tanjung Bira, located on the southern tip of South Sulawesi famous for its wonderful seashore with sandy beach. On the way, we will stop in Bantaeng district for having lunch. After lunch, visit the Bissappu waterfall. We will also stop in Tana Beru to see the way of Traditional Phinisi boat constructions. In the afternoon, arrive in Tanjung Bira. Dinner and overnight stay in a cottage.
Day 2
After breakfast, your free day at leisure in Bira beach. Lunch will be served at a local restaurant. After lunch we will take you to Kajang where we will explore the secret of the black culture of the primitive Ammatowa. In the afternoon back to Tanjung Bira. Dinner and overnight at a simple accommodation.
Day 3
After breakfast, your free day at leisure at Bira beach. Then drive to Sengkang, famous as the center of traditional sutera silk clothes factory in South Sulawesi. Lunch en route. In the afternoon, arrive in Sengkang and directly to the Lake Tempe where we will have a boat trip to discover the way of life of Buginese fishermen with their floating houses. Dinner and overnight stay at simple accommodation in Sengkang.
Day 4
After breakfast, we will visit the traditional silk factory where women hand spin and weave silk clothes. Then drive to Tana Toraja via Palopo. Lunch will be served at a local restaurant. In the afternoon, arrive in Rantepao. Dinner and overnight stay at the hotel.
Day 5
After breakfast, we will take you on a full day exploring of Tana Toraja. First we will visit the stone hanging grave of Lemo with its Tau-Tau effigies. Then to Kambira where we can find an extraordinary baby graves on trees. Then we will explore the architecture of Tongkonan houses in Ketekesu village. Londa is a natural grave where we can find entombed deceased. Lunch will be served at a local restaurant in Rantepao. In the afternoon, we visit Nanggala and Siguntuk, local Torajan villages famous for their old Tongkonan houses and rice barns. Then back to the hotel for dinner and overnight stay.
Day 6
After breakfast, we will take you on a full day Tana Toraja tour. In the morning we will visit Tinombayo where we can enjoy the spectacular view of the megalith stones spread over the immense rice terraces. Then to a burial cave of Lokomata. From Lokomata, we continue our trip to Batutumonga where we will a have short trekking to enjoy many beautiful panorama through the green rice terraces and experience the unique Torajan daily life style. Lunch will be served at a local restaurant in Batutumonga. In the afternoon, we will visit Pallawa & Sa’dan, local Torajan villages famous as the wood carving center. Then back to the Hotel for dinner and overnight stay. Then back to the Hotel for dinner and overnight stay.
Day 7
This morning, we drive back to Makassar with the different road ( via Pare-Pare ). On the way stop on the Bambapuang for a coffee break and enjoy the extraordinary view of mountButtukabobong. Lunch will be served at seafood restaurant in Pare-Pare. Afternoon arrival in Makassar and we will take you to a local restaurant for having dinner. Then check in at the hotel for overnight stay.
Day 8
After breakfast, we will take you on a short city tour in Makassar visit Sulawesi Mianiature Garden, Tanjung Bunga and the Fort Rotterdam. After that, you will be transferred directly to Hasanuddin Airport Makassar for you flight to the next destination.

Package include :
private ac car based on minibus L-300 or Hyundai ( tours with 2 passenger can also use other luxury cars, we provide Innova & Avanza ), tour as per program, English or other required languages speaking guide, entrance fees, full board meals, refreshment, mineral water during tour ( Aqua ), tax & service and accommodation based on the above hotels mentioned.
Excludes :
porter, airport tax & flight tickets.


Day 1
According to your schedule of arrival, you will meet our Tour Guide at Hasanuddin Airport Makassar. Then we drive to Sengkang, famous as the center of traditional sutera silk clothes factory in South Sulawesi. On the way, we visit Bantimurung waterfall which also famous for its colorful butterflies. Lunch en route. In the afternoon, arrive in Sengkang and directly to the Lake Tempe where we will have a boat trip to discover the way of life of Buginese fishermen with their floating houses. Dinner and overnight stay at simple accommodation in Sengkang.
Day 2
After breakfast, we will visit the traditional silk factory where women hand spin and weave silk clothes. Than drive to Tana Toraja via Palopo where we will find many spectacular views along the road from Palopo to Tana Toraja. Lunch en route. In the afternoon arrive in Tana Toraja. Dinner and overnight stay at the hotel.
Day 3
A After breakfast, we will visit the stone hanging grave of Lemo with its Tau-Tau effigies. Then to Kambira where we can find the peculiar baby graves in the trees. Onwards we will explore the architecture of Tongkonan houses in Ketekesu village and Londa, which  is a natural grave with entombed deceased. Lunch will be served at a local restaurant in Rantepao. In the afternoon, we visit Nanggala and Siguntuk, local Torajan villages famous for their old Tongkonan houses and rice barns. Then back to the Hotel for dinner and overnight stay.
Day 4
In the morning we will visit Tinombayo where we can enjoy the spectacular view of the megalith stones spread over the extensive rice fields. Then to a burial cave of Lokomata. From Lokomata, we continue our trip to Batutumonga where we will a have short trekking, enjoy the beautiful panorama and experience a moment of the unique Torajan life style.. Lunch will be served at a local restaurant in Batutumonga. In the afternoon, we will visit Pallawa & Sa’dan, local Torajan villages famous for their wood carving. Then back to the Hotel for dinner and overnight stay.
Day 5
This morning, we drive back to Makassar with the different road ( via Pare-Pare ). On the way stop on the Bambapuang for a coffee break and enjoy the extraordinary view of mountButtukabobong. Lunch will be served at seafood restaurant in Pare-Pare. Afternoon arrival in Makassar and we will take you to a local restaurant for having dinner. Then check in at the hotel for overnight stay.
Day 6
After breakfast, we will take you on a short city tour in Makassar visit Sulawesi Mianiature Garden, Tanjung Bunga and the Fort Rotterdam. After that, you will be transferred directly to Hasanuddin Airport Makassar for you flight to the next destination.

Package include :
private ac car based on minibus L-300 or Hyundai ( tours with 2 passenger can also use other luxury cars, we provide Innova & Avanza ), tour as per program, English or other required languages speaking guide, entrance fees, full board meals, refreshment, mineral water during tour ( Aqua ), tax & service and accommodation based on the above hotels mentioned.

Toraja Tour 5 Days / 4 Nights

Day 1
According to your schedule of arrival, you will be meet our Tour Guide at Hasanuddin Airport Makassar. Then take approx. 8 hours drive to Tana Toraja passing through the Buginese villages with their typical wooden houses. Lunch will be served at a seafood restaurant in Pare-Pare. In the afternoon have some drink or snack on Bambapuang café while enjoy the wonderful view of MountButtukabobong. In the afternoon arrive in Rantepao. Dinner and overnight stay at the hotel.
Day 2
After breakfast, we will visit the stone hanging grave of Lemo with its Tau-Tau effigies. Then to Kambira where we can find the peculiar baby graves in the trees. Onwards we will explore the architecture of Tongkonan houses in Ketekesu village and Londa, which  is a natural grave with entombed deceased. Lunch will be served at a local restaurant in Rantepao. In the afternoon, we visit Nanggala and Siguntuk, local Torajan villages famous for their old Tongkonan houses and rice barns. Then back to the Hotel for dinner and overnight stay.
Day 3
After breakfast, we will visit Pallawa & Sa’dan, local Torajan villages famous as the center of wood carving. Then to Bori, where we can see the ancient stone megaliths. Lunch will be served at a local restaurant in Rantepao. In the afternoon, we will take you to Marante, local Torajan village with their big Tongkonans and old rice barns. Then back to the Hotel for dinner and overnight stay.
Day 4
After breakfast, we drive into the mountains and visit Tinombayo where we can enjoy the spectacular view of the megalith stones spread over the extensive rice fields. Then to a burial cave of Lokomata. From Lokomata, we continue our trip to Batutumonga where we will a have short trekking, enjoy the beautiful panorama and experience a moment of the unique Torajan life style. Lunch will be served close to the top of the mountain. In the afternoon we will have a short trekking along rice terraces, steep hills with huges bamboos and spectacular views. Then back to Rantepao. Dinner and overnight stay at the Hotel.
Day 5
With the same road, we drive back to Makassar. Stop in Pare-Pare for having lunch at a seafood restaurant. Afternoon arrival in Makassar and directly transfer to Hasanuddin Airport Makassar for your flight to the next destination.

Package include :
private ac car based on minibus L-300 or Hyundai ( tours with 2 passenger can also use other luxury cars, we provide Innova & Avanza ), tour as per program, English or other required languages speaking guide, entrance fees, full board meals, refreshment, mineral water during tour ( Aqua ), tax & service and accommodation based on the above hotels mentioned.
Excludes :
porter, airport tax & flight tickets.


Duration: 15 Days/14 Nights
Grade: Easy
Starts/Ends: Jakarta/Bali
We take you to experience one of the world's classic overland routes. Your "journey through time" of Java Bali Overland begins in Jakarta and travels through lush Indonesian countryside to Bali. You climb Mount Bromo, enjoy superb beaches and discover remnants of Indonesia's past empires, including a visit to extraordinary Borobudur Temple (The Largest Buddhist Temple) and Prambanan Temple (One of the biggest Hindu Temple in the world).
Today, our guide will pick you up in the meeting point and start our overland journey to visit Bogor. Drive to Bogor, its about 2 hours drive and visiting Bogor Botanical Garden and Zoological Museum. After that continue to Bandung, on the way we will passing trought the huge tea plantation in Puncak Area, which has beautiful sightseeing "a green view" as well then overnight at hotel.
After breakfast at hotel, you will have the free program for your own activity which you can enjoy to go shoping in Bandung Area the " Paris Van Java " or taste the kind of traditional food.
After breakfast at Hotel, then visiting Tangkuban Perahu, a smoulderring 2000 m wide, surrealistic volcano 1800 above sea level. Then continued to Ciater Hot Spring with passing through the huge wonderful tea plantation. Here, you will have lunch and possible to take a bath in the hot natural water pool. Afternoon back to Bandung with stop at Padasuka village to enjoy the Angklung (traditional bamboo instrument)
performance at Saung Angklung Ujo. Overnight at Hotel.
java bali overland, java indonesiaDAY 04 : BANDUNG - PANGANDARAN (B)
Today we make our way to Pangandaran, a narrow isthmus with the best beaches on the south coast of java. We travel through fantastic scenary and reach the beach in late afternoon, just in time for a swim.
Today free own your leisure.
Morning after breakfast, leave the hotel for a day excursion by visits Pangandaran national Park, home of hundreds "Long-tail Macaque", Wild buffalo, Barking deer and other few species of animal. Country-side excursion to see the local people doing their daily activities. Visit "Green Canyon" one of the most famous tourist attraction in Pangandaran. Afterward return to hotel, rest of the day is free own your leisure.
Drive to Jogjakarta after breakfast at hotel and on the way you can see the traditional houses, beautiful scenary of Java island. Overnight at hotel.
After breakfast at hotel visiting the magical temple of Borobudur, the largest Buddhist temple in Indonesia. It was built in the IX century. This huge Buddhist pyramid is a Buddhism's largest shrine in Indonesia, built in the 9th century. After that visit the center of the Javanese Culture, the Sultan palace. It's just like the Ka'bah for the Moslems. Here you can see the many kinds of heritage of the olden Mataram kingdom which is now become Jogjakarta. From the Palace, we will proceed to visit the factory of hand made batik factory. Here you can still see the clothes are being made manually. Jogjakarta is famous also of it's silver ware which is still, until nowadays made manually. Free program in the afternoon to enjoy the life of the local Javanese friendly people.
Today you will drive to Solo to visit Mangkunegaran Palace, Triwindhu Flea Market and Radya Pustaka Museum. On the way to Solo, visits the most beautiful hindu temple, Prambanan Temple. Then overnights in hotel
After breakfast, then to Bromo with stop to visit Trowulan, which is officially opened in 1987, it was built for the purpose of displaying and preserving the ever increasing number of historical treasures discovered in the vicinity of the old Majapahit capital, Bajang Ratu temple located in the hamlet of Kraton, not far from Candi Tikus, is one of Trowulan's principal attractions. Restored to its present condition between the years 1985 and 1989, the site comprise the remains of an ancient ritual bathing place ( pertirtaan ) dating from the Majapahit period.
baliDay 11 : BROMO - LOVINA (B)
Start your journey at 04.00 am to enjoy the beauty of nature and the splendid sunrise at Mt. Penanjakan. Then proceed to Mt Bromo crater through the shimmering sea of sand. After breakfast and taking bath in hotel, we take a drive along the Anyer Panarukan road Skirting the pristine white beach Pasir Putih, we drive to Gilimanuk Pier on Bali Island, then drop to hotel for overnight.

Day 12 : LOVINA - UBUD (B)
Today your tour will go to Ubud area. Get your own activity
DAY 13 : UBUD - KUTA (B)
Today you will transfer to the famous Kuta Beach area. En route stop for Barong Dance Performance and visit Alas Kedaton, the monkey forest then after a short walk to enjoy the monkey naughty performance we will take you to one of our famous sea temple at Tanah Lot where you can see poisonus snake at the temple and beautifull sunset. ( B )
You have your own activity to enjoy the Kuta beach.
After breakfast at hotel you will go to airport for your next destination.


overland sumatraExperience the incredible and diverse beauty of Indonesia by land journeys. In Sumatra, our Overland journey rewards you with experiences of both spectacular beauties and rich cultural of the Batak People in the north and the Minangkabau people in the west.Meet the Orangutan at Bahorok Reserve, you explore the gigantic Lake Toba and traditional villages nearby with their exotic art & cultures. While in the West, witness some of the most exciting scenery you'll ever see: Peaks looming over deep canyon and splendid sheltered valleys, villages perched atop deep ravines, terraces rice fields and the crater lakes formed by massive volcanic faulting and the beautiful traditional villages in the green landscapes.
In Java, we take you to experience one of the world's classic overland routes. Your "journey through time" of Java Bali Overland begins in Jakarta and travels through lush Indonesian countryside to Bali. You climb Mount Bromo, enjoy superb beaches and discover remnants of Indonesia's past empires, including a visit to extraordinary Borobudur Temple (The Largest Buddhist Temple) and Prambanan Temple (One of the biggest Hindu Temple in the world).
java overlandTravelers have long been inspired by the romance of Bali and Lombok. Our Bali - Lombok Overland trip shows you the best that the island have to offer from terraced rice fields and towering volcanoes to magnificent, tropical, sandy beaches. You may witness the unique local customs and crafts such as traditional weaving and pottery, and visit the indigenous Sasak people in Lombok


Climbing not advisable during the rainy season (November to March). Bali's highest mountain, Gunung Agung (3,142 meters), can take between 3 to 6 hours to climb. It takes one day to reach the summit of Gunung Batukaru and return. Guides are recommended. For rock climbers there is a state-of-the-art, 110sq meter climbing wall in The Adrenalin Park. Mount Batur can be climbed in a few hours and if you want to see the sunrise, start early
You will be puck up at around 01.00AM and drive for about 1.5 hours to Kintamani. Start the night trekking at 03.30AM up to Mt. Batur at 1,717 meter above sea level.
On the way hiking up the mountain, you will be provided with flash light and escorted by experiences guide in the night hiking. You will step up the stairway that were naturally made of cold lava after the explosion. This journey to reach top of volcano takes about 1,5 – 2 hours.
From there you can enjoy an excellent view of the sacred mount Agung which is – 3,142 meters above sea level and from the distance you can also enjoy the view of Rinjani mountain which is the highest mountain in Lombok Island. Sandwiches and hot coffee/tea will be served while admiring the sunrise view.
After going down the mountain, cold drink and fresh tropical fruit will be served as complimentary at the vehicle, which awaits you. We will drive you return to the hotel before lunch time. THE PRICE: USD 60/PERSON (Minimum 02 pax)
- Transfers from/to the hotel
- Flashlight
- English speaking guide
- Insurance cover
- Bottled water



Duration : 3 Days / 2 Nights
Starts / Ends : Bali

Upon arrival at Labuhan Bajo Airport, pick up service then transfer to hotel in Labuhan Bajo After have a short rest, transfer to Bidadari/ Angel Island for picnic Lunch. In the afternoon of relaxing you can go swimming and snorkeling (equipment provided) before transfer back to Hotel about 5 PM for overnight stay. In the evening is free for your own leisure program. Dinner on your personal expenses (L).
After early breakfast (the earlier the guests can leave in the morning is better, it gets too hot to walk by 11 AM on Komodo) 6 AM leave by boat for journey to Komodo Island 3 hours each way, with time to relax, sun bathe and take in the scenery of Komodo National park with it’s many idyllic Islands. Upon arrival Komodo Island started walk with Park Rangers to see the Komodo Dragons, picnic lunch on Pink beach with swimming and snorkeling, journey back to Labuhan Bajo and transfer to accommodation. Free program in the evening. Dinner at your personal expenses (B, L).
After breakfast transfer to Labuhan Bajo Airport for your flight to Bali . END OF SERVICE.


Upon arrival at Labuhan Bajo Airport, pick up service then transfer to hotel in Labuhan Bajo After have a short rest, transfer to Bidadari/ Angel Island for picnic Lunch. In the afternoon of relaxing you can go swimming and snorkeling (equipment provided) before transfer back to Hotel about 5 PM for overnight stay. In the evening is free for your own leisure program. Dinner on your personal expenses (L).
After early breakfast (the earlier the guests can leave in the morning is better it is, it gets too hot to walk by 11 AM on Komodo) 6 AM leave by boat for journey to Rinca Island 2 hours each way, with time to relax, sun bathe and take in the scenery of Komodo National park with it’s many idyllic Islands. Upon arrival Komodo Island started walk with Park Rangers to see the Komodo Dragons, picnic lunch on Kelor Island with swimming and snorkeling, journey back to Labuhan Bajo and transfer to accommodation. Free program in the evening. Dinner at your personal expenses (B, L).
After breakfast transfer to Labuhan Bajo Airport for your flight to Bali END OF SERVICE.


komodo dragonDay 01 LABUAN BAJO - RINCA
Upon arrival transfer to restaurant for lunch and then to harbor to take boat to Rinca. The short trek in Rinca to trace the dragons and wildlife is the main program of the day. Overnight on board or at Ranger's house.
Early in the morning set sail to Komodo passing narrow straits with strong currents. Arrive in Komodo follow the trail to reach Banunggulung the former feeding ground to watch the Komodo Dragons. It is about two km one way walking. There is Komodo Nature Park Museum, take your chance to have a look. About mid day return to Labuan Bajo, en route stop at Pantai Merah - the pink colored sand beach - with beautiful coral garden, good for swimming and snorkeling. Lunch on board.
Morning free program. En route to the airport take a short visit Batu Cermin - the cave with stalactite and stalagmites.


Duration : 7 Days / 6 Nights
Starts / Ends : Bali
Upon arrival transfer to the harbor to board on the wooden boat to cross to Komodo island. Lunch will be provided on board. Overnight on board in Komodo area or at Ranger's house
Early breakfast on board, start your trekking, walking through the typical dry forest to explore the Komodo dragon, island itself, wild animals and various species of tropical birds. You are sometime see wild buffalo, deer and boar. A local ranger will lead you to enter this nature preservation. Return to boat and sail back to Labuan Bajo. Lunch will be provided on board. Upon arrival in Labuan Bajo drive directly to Ruteng. En route visit Cara where one can witness Lingko - the spider web shaped rice fields. Dinner and overnight at hotel
Ruteng is a small town in the backbone of Flores and neighbor to the Ruteng Nature Conservation Park - the home of Ngkiong - the endemic singing birds. It is worth to visit the Park early in the morning to attend the nature's concert of singing birds (if no rain and strong wind). There is also a newly popped up volcano in the park. Take your chance to have a closer look into it. Drive afterwards to Bajawa with beautiful panoramic views. Take your chance for photo stops. The first stop will be at Ranamese - a crater lake with cloud forest. Lunch in Bajawa. Afternoon visit Wogo one of the big traditional village of Ngadha ethnic. Overnight at Wisma Kembang or similar.
After breakfast, excursion to Bena passing through huge and gigantic bamboo plantation, picture Inerie volcano and take short walks in the vicinity. Arrive in Bena, see traditional houses and megalithic tombs, learn the meaning of Ngadhu and Bhaga symbolizing male and female of ancestral spirit. Back to Bajawa, lunch. Drive to Soa en route stop in Naru a village with huge megalithic monuments, arrive in Soa visit Mengeruda a hot water spring to dip in for relaxation. Proceed then to Riung. Dinner and overnight at Pondok SVD.
Day 05: RIUNG - ENDE
There is Nature Conservation Park in Riung mainly to protect the under water ecosystem. Take your chance to explore the small isles off shore - known for the beautiful coral gardens with white sand beach. There is an island with unspoiled mangrove forests inhabited by thousands of huge fruit eating bats. Take your chance to explore the Park in half day program. Picnic lunch. Proceed afterwards to Ende with stop at Penggajawa beach - where people collecting blue pebble for interinsuler trading. Upon arrivel in Ende drive towards Nuabosi until reach the vantage point to enjoy an aerial view of Ende town which is fortified with volcanoes and beautifully located in south coast of Flores. Dinner and overnight in Ende.
Early morning drive up to the three colored lake of Kelimutu, one of the Indonesia's most mysterious and dramatic sights. The three lakes, set in deep craters at a height of 1,600m.Down to Moni for breakfast, then continue to Maumere with stop at Lio hill tribes of Jopu and Ranggase, offers fine Ikat weaving, then the village of Wolowaru. Lunch is provided.
Morning free program.


As you might have notice that the Raja Ampat island group spreads out over a huge area and consists of over 610 islands, there are two resort for accommodation on the Raja ampat Islands:
Kri Eco Resort and Sorido Bay Resort.


This is the longest established resort consists of traditional buildings over the water, along a jetty and offers traditional Papuan accommodation with excellent food and a relaxed, friendly atmosphere.
Sitting on the edge of mountainous Kri Island the dive resort is shaded by palm trees that run along a long fine white sand beach. Wild birds awaken our guests each morning at sunrise so they will be on time for breakfast and the morning dive. We see Eclectis Parrots, Lorikeets, Kingfishers, Frigate Birds and others during the day.
An extra long jetty built over the large shallow lagoon in front of the eco-resort also leads to five of the guest houses. As a bonus, since accommodations are over the water, we often see sharks, rays and schools of fish in our "garden".
Kri Eco Resort currently has 6 over-water guest bungalows. Most of the buildings contain two rooms and at least one sitting area. Rooms are divided by partitions with doors and window coverings that can be closed for privacy. Each room has a mattress, pillow and mosquito net for bedding. Furnishings are hand-made benches or lounge chairs and tables where guests can relax, work on camera gear, talk and read.
One small over-water bungalow, located just a bit down the beach for a bit more privacy, contains only one room. Two Western-style flush toilets, are located on the island near the end of the jetty and are shared by all the guests.
The compressor, storage, toilets, baths and staff quarters are located on the island. Our dining and kitchen house is alongside the beach over the water! You can almost cool your toes while having dinner at high tide.
Inland from the beach are two Indonesian style baths, walled for privacy, one open to a view of sky and palm fronds, the other with a roof so you won't get wet while bathing!
The well, also located behind the resort's buildings contains a more than adequate supply of rain water for our needs. It provides guests and staff with bathing, toilet, camera rinse and cooking water. Water on Kri was hauled from the well by bucket and carried by hand, but now Kri has a pump and running water to the kitchen, western style toilets and for filling the bath containers. Drinking water is obtained from a neighboring island.
Meals are served in the large over-water kitchen/dining house on long tables sheltered by a palm frond roof. In the kitchen, coffee, tea and flavored drinks are always available for our guests.
The kitchen is always busy with our staff cooking over the gas burners in large woks or stew pots and an oven where Yolanda bakes fresh bread and occasionally pizza! There are no electrical appliances, everything is made my hand. In back of the kitchen, the staff slice fresh vegetables and fruits in the open air under the shade of the trees. Each meal is prepared fresh. Ice boxes, supplied weekly from Sorong, contain fresh meats and can chill a beer when required.
The new "Sorido Bay Resort" offers western comforts in traditional Papuan setting. It is a combination of modern and traditional building methods to create a balanced and comfortable resort. This resort is built for the more demanding diver and specially the UW photographer.

The resort has all comforts but is completely integrated in nature and has one of the worlds richest dive sites as its house reef. The boats used for dining are silent (Honda 4 stroke engines) and all diving is tailor made and personalized.

* There is no dive activities arranged on Saturday. This day is a day of rest. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are provided, however offer no diving. Guest are invited to go hiking, kayaking, birding, snorkeling, play badminton a.o. This day to relax is generally well appreciated, we just state it here so things are clear.
* Each Sunday, transfers by boat take place from the airport/coastal city of Sorong (Papua) to the dive resorts, located on Kri Island. The trip takes about one and a half hours and covers 75 km. These transfers are free of charge. If you do plan to arrive in Sorong on a Saturday, we are more than happy to arrange accommodation for you in Sorong.

Raja Ampat General Information

General reef conditions
water temperature: 27-30 C/ 80-86F
visibility: 10-30M / 33-98ft
current: moderate to strong
There is a great place to dive in the off-shore of Sorong, precisely situated on RAJA AMPAT ISLAND GROUP. The Raja Ampat area of Northwest Irian Jaya is filled with islands, surrounded by reefs and inundated with fish! After 9 years in the area we have only begun to discover the natural treasures awaiting us on each dive.

raja ampat liveaboardThe Raja Ampat island group spreads out over a huge area and consists of over 610 islands. The four largest islands are Waigeo, Batanta, Salawati and Misool and are located at the Westside of the "Bird head peninsula" in Irian.

The Raja Ampat has only recently been discovered by scientist to house world's richest reefs systems. The group of islands is situated on the equator, is part of Papua and counts more than 600 islands. Till this very day the area is virtually unexplored and unknown due to its size, what we do know is that it has revealed to harbor an amazing diversity of breathtaking underwater life. The first dives in this area was pioneered in 1990.
The area's reefs are covered in a diverse selection of both hard and soft corals. Most of the areas reefs are pristine, with mile after mile of perfect hard corals, drift after drift of Dendronephya (soft) corals of many species and colors ranging from brilliant red, to shocking yellow pretty pink and exotic purple. Most reef dives are very colorful.
raja ampat liveaboardAmong, above, and on top of the corals are fish. Schooling fish, solitary fish, beautiful fish, ugly fish, large fish, small fish! Some fish that are considered to be rare in many parts of the world are abundant in the Raja Ampat area. For example, many Sargassum Frogfish are found in the floating weed in front of the dive resort.
Wobbegong Sharks are found on many dives, often lying atop perfect table corals like a fish carefully arranged by a chef on a dinner plate. The Epaulette Shark, a small shark only a foot long, is numerous and found very often on night dives in the seagrass or even on the shelf of a wall dive.
Giant Clams are found at many of our dive sites. These clams are large enough to swallow a child, but are embedded in the reef and covered with soft corals, tunicates and sponges so thick they can barely close their shells. Wai Island has a "Giant Clam Area" just off the beach.
The offshore reef sites, especially those near Kri Island are poplulated with MEGATONS of schooling fish! Many different species school in the current sometimes mixing so that a diver is surrounded by a chaotic mass of fish life. The most common to see are barracuda, jacks, bannerfish, surgeonfish, fusiliers, parrotfish and snappers. All in many species. The fish are so dense that they sometimes block the view of your dive buddy or the surface!
The Raja ampat area is not only stunning underwater. Topside, the islands have a very diverse topography with steep mountain shores and deserted white sand beaches. The area is far off the beaten track and is rarely visited by foreigners. The raw beauty of the islands will fascinate you. It's dense jungle interior is known for its many orchids and the paradise birds. Waigeo and Batanta have the Wilson's and the Red Bird of Paradise both endemic to this area, as well as abundantly present Lorikeets, Parrots, Kingfishers, Eagles and Hornbills.